Life in the Marketplace Post-Pandemic - Max Jeganathan
July 2, 2020 Speaker: Max Jeganathan Series: Where is God in the Coronavirus?
Life in the Marketplace Post-Pandemic
July 2, 2020
Max Jeganathan
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing how we live our daily lives. As relational beings we have been forced to social distance and the virus has significantly impacted our economy. Where is God in a coronavirus world? How should we respond? This is a four part series to consider these important questions.
More in Where is God in the Coronavirus?
July 9, 2020
A Christian Response to Past Pandemics - Dr. Michael HaykinJune 25, 2020
Love at Arm’s Length: What Social Distancing Teaches us About Relationships - Dr. Vince Vitale & Dr. Jo VitaleJune 21, 2020
Michael Ramsden on the Noetic Shift call June 18, 2020